The Simple & Unique Beauty of a Blanket Box

Few things stand the test of time like a good piece of furniture. Look back as old photographs and we're sure you'll see what we mean. When a piece of furniture is well-made and gets handed down through the generations, it deserves a spot light. For us, one such piece of furniture is the blanket box.
Although blanket boxes would eventually become known as hope chests and bridal chests, blanket boxes remained simpler in design while the latter two chests often contained engravings and more elaborate decorations. On the other hand, blanket boxes have never been known as trunks, since trunks are made for travel, whereas blanket boxes are made for in-home storage.

A Blanket Box by any other Name...
Through the years, a blanket box has been called many different things: a hope chest, a bridal chest, and even a trunk. However, a blanket box is simply a blanket box originally designed to hold linens, blankets and other keepsakes, and provide additional seating when people could not afford the luxury of both seating and storage.Although blanket boxes would eventually become known as hope chests and bridal chests, blanket boxes remained simpler in design while the latter two chests often contained engravings and more elaborate decorations. On the other hand, blanket boxes have never been known as trunks, since trunks are made for travel, whereas blanket boxes are made for in-home storage.
More than just Storage
Because of its beauty and versatility, the blanket box has remained a popular piece of furniture throughout the years. Many people who own one make them the centerpiece in a room. Some might think a blanket box belongs only in a bedroom, but due to their basic design, they can actually find a perfect home in any room of the house. Here are some ideas:- Placed at the end of a bed to hold linens and provide seating.
- Placed at the side of the bed as a nightstand with plenty of room on top for all kinds of things and storage inside to boot.
- As a coffee table in the living room.
- In the corner of a living room to add character and warmth to the room.
- In a child's room as a toy box.